Esoteric Library
Esoteric Resource Library
The Kybalion
A study of the hermetic philosophy of ancient Egypt and Greece.
The Corpus Hermeticum
Writings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, revealing occult wisdom.
The Emerald Tablet of Hermes
An essential text revealing the secret of the prima materia and the philosopher's stone.
The Picatrix
A medieval grimoire of astrological magic.
The Secret Teachings of All
Expansive esoteric encyclopedia by Manly P. Hall.
Occult Philosophy books by
Cornelius Agrippa
Three books on natural, celestial, and ceremonial magic.
The Pictorial Key to the Tarot by
A.E. Waite
A guidebook to reading the Rider-Waite tarot deck.
The Doctrine and Ritual of High
Magic by Eliphas Levi
A 19th century guidebook to ceremonial magic.
Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa
A spiritual master's journey into mysticism and kriya yoga.
The Zohar
Primary text of Kabbalah, commentary on the mystical aspects of the Torah.
The Tibetan Book of the
Guide for navigating the intermediate bardo state between lives.
Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu
Foundational Taoist text on living in accordance with the Tao.
The Bhagavad Gita
Hindu scripture focused on Karma Yoga as a path to self-realization.
The Nag Hammadi Library
Collection of early Christian Gnostic texts discovered in Egypt.
Light on Yoga by B.K.S. Iyengar
Foundational guide to yoga asanas, pranayama, and philosophy.
A Path with Heart by Jack Kornfield
Buddhist teacher's guide to mindfulness, meditation, and compassion.
Magical Herbalism by Scott
Practical magic using herbs, essential oils, incense, and other natural materials.
Love is in the
Earth by Melody
Comprehensive reference for metaphysical properties of over 700 minerals and crystals.
Daily Rituals by Mason Currey
Profiles of famous artists' and creatives' routines and habits.
The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron
Guide to cultivating creativity through practices like morning pages.
The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown
Cultivating self-acceptance, courage, and connection.
Sacred Texts Archive
Extensive collection of religious and esoteric texts from various traditions.
The Hermetic Library
Digital library of occult and esoteric resources.
Global Grey ebooks - Religion and Spirituality
Free ebooks on various esoteric and spiritual topics.
PDF Drive - Esoteric Books
Large collection of downloadable esoteric books in PDF format.
Project Gutenberg - Occult
Free ebooks on occult sciences from Project Gutenberg.
Project Gutenberg - Mythology
Free ebooks on mythology from various cultures.
Project Gutenberg - Alchemy
Free ebooks on the historical practice and philosophy of alchemy.
The Theosophical Society
Online Resources
Articles, books, and archives related to Theosophy.
Sacred Texts - Buddhism
A collection of Buddhist scriptures and texts.
Sacred Texts - Hinduism
A collection of Hindu scriptures and texts.
Biblioteca Pleyades
Website with a vast collection of esoteric and alternative knowledge articles.
Esoteric Archives
Collection of documents and books on esoteric subjects.
Learn Religions -
Occult and Esoteric
Articles and information on various occult and esoteric traditions.
The Key of Solomon the King (Clavicula Salomonis)
A grimoire attributed to King Solomon containing influences of alchemy, astrology, and Kabbalah.
The Lesser Key of Solomon
Another grimoire attributed to King Solomon, focusing on demonology and angelic magic.
The Book of Lies by Aleister
A collection of cryptic and often humorous writings by the influential occultist.
Magick in Theory and Practice
by Aleister Crowley
Crowley's comprehensive system of magick, covering a wide range of esoteric practices and philosophies.
The Gnostic Gospels by Elaine
An exploration of Gnostic texts and their significance in early Christianity.
Sepher HaZohar (The Book of
A foundational text of Kabbalah, offering mystical interpretations of the Torah.
Kabbalah Unveiled by S.L.
MacGregor Mathers
A translation of key Kabbalistic texts, including the Kabbalah Denudata.
The Conference of the Birds
by Farid ud-Din Attar
A classic Sufi poem allegorically depicting the soul's journey towards God.
The Essential Rumi by Coleman
Barks (translator)
A collection of poems by the renowned Sufi mystic Rumi.
Alchemy: Ancient and Modern
by H. Stanley Redgrove
A historical overview of alchemy and its principles.
The Golden Age of Alchemy by
Arthur Edward Waite
An exploration of alchemy in its cultural and historical context.
Theosophy: What It Is by
Annie Besant
An introduction to the core concepts and principles of Theosophy.
Isis Unveiled by H.P.
One of the foundational texts of modern Theosophy, exploring ancient mysteries and occult sciences.
The Hermetic Museum, Restored and Enlarged
A compilation of alchemical texts, originally published in Latin in 1678, translated and edited by Arthur Edward Waite.
Collectanea Chemica
A collection of treatises on alchemy and hermetic medicine, including works by Eirenaeus Philalethes and George Ripley.
The New Pearl of Great
An alchemical treatise by Petrus Bonus, a 14th-century Italian alchemist.
Turba Philosophorum
An early Arabic alchemical text, presented as a dialogue between various ancient philosophers.
A Suggestive Inquiry into the
Hermetic Mystery by Mary Anne Atwood
A deep dive into Hermetic philosophy, alchemy, and theosophy.
The Book of Abramelin the
A famous grimoire detailing a complex system of ceremonial magic.
Arbatel: De magia veterum
A Renaissance grimoire focusing on spiritual advice and aphorisms.
The Grand Grimoire
A black magic grimoire, also known as "The Red Dragon," containing instructions for summoning various demons.
The Complete Book of Magic
Claims to be the complete “Black Book,” covering various rituals, talismans, and ceremonial practices.
Sefer Yetzirah (Book of
An early and foundational text of Kabbalah, exploring the creation of the universe.
The Secret Doctrine of the
Kabbalah by Leonora Leet
Explores the underlying principles of the Kabbalah.
The Bahir
An early Kabbalistic text.
Gates of Light (Shaare Orah)
A Kabbalistic work explaining the ten sefirot.
The Wisdom of the Zohar: An
Anthology of Texts
A comprehensive anthology of the Zohar's mystical teachings.
The Upanishads
A collection of ancient Sanskrit texts containing central philosophical concepts of Hinduism.
The Yoga Sutras of
A foundational text of Yoga philosophy, outlining the eight limbs of yoga.
The I Ching or Book of
An ancient Chinese divination text and philosophical classic.
The Platform Sutra of the Sixth
A key text in Zen Buddhism.
The Secret
Doctrine by H.P. Blavatsky
A major work of Theosophy, presenting a synthesis of science, religion, and philosophy.
The Kybalion (another copy, higher
quality scan)
Presents the seven Hermetic principles in a more modern language.
Thought Forms by Annie Besant and C.W. Leadbeater
A Theosophical work exploring the visualization of thoughts and emotions.
The Science of Mind by Ernest
A foundational text of Religious Science, a New Thought movement.
Pistis Sophia
A significant Gnostic text, containing teachings attributed to Jesus after his resurrection.
The Apocryphon of John
A Gnostic text detailing a complex cosmology and creation myth.
Fragments of a Faith
Forgotten by G.R.S. Mead
An extensive overview of early Christian Gnostic movements.
The Cloud of Unknowing
A classic of Christian mysticism.
The Interior Castle by St.
Teresa of Ávila
A guide to spiritual development through seven stages of prayer.
The Imitation of Christ by
Thomas à Kempis
A devotional classic emphasizing humility and inwardness.
Psychology and Alchemy by
C.G. Jung
Jung's exploration of the psychological significance of alchemical symbolism.
Mysterium Coniunctionis by
C.G. Jung
Jung's late work on alchemy and the individuation process.
Modern Man in Search of
a Soul by C.G. Jung
Explores the spiritual and psychological challenges of modern life.
Dogme et Rituel de la Haute
Magie by Eliphas Lévi (Original French)
The original French version of Lévi's work on ceremonial magic.
Transcendental Magic, its Doctrine
and Ritual by Eliphas Lévi
Waite's translation of Lévi's work.
The Secret Lore of Magic by
Idries Shah
A survey of magical literature and practices.
The Book of Ceremonial Magic
by A.E. Waite
A comprehensive overview of grimoires and magical rituals.
The Sufis by Idries Shah
A deep dive into the history, philosophy, and practices of Sufism.
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