Manipura: The Solar Plexus
Manipura chakra, or the third or solar plexus chakra, is located between the navel and the base of the sternum. It is related to the fire element and governs the digestive system, gall bladder, pancreas, adrenals and liver. It is associated with being able to stand up for oneself, feeling strong and courageous, worthy of love and respect, and of being able to take action and transform oneself. Imbalances can cause fatigue and irritability. To bring balance to the Manipura chakra, yogaYou can find Manipura chakra, the third or solar plexus chakra, somewhere between the navel and the base of the sternum, a couple of fingers above the belly button. You may like to visualise it in the centre of the body, rather than at the front.
It is best visualized in the centre of the body, rather than at the front. In Sanskrit, this chakra is called Manipura, meaning "city of jewels". Together with the first (the root) and second chakra (the sacral), these energy centres are often referred to as the lower triangle. These energies are the most clear and easy to understand.
The components of Manipura chakra include the fire element, which governs your strength, vitality, ego, willpower, stamina and inner power. This chakra also relates to the digestive system, gall bladder, pancreas, adrenals and liver.
The Manipura chakra is also all about being able to deal with things, it’s how you ‘digest’ your life. It relates to your ability to stand up for yourself, be strong and courageous, worthy of love and respect, and to feel strong in your body and in the world. It is associated with action and transformation, and the strength to achieve your goals.
Due to stress in any layer of the body (physical, mental, emotional and energetic), you can slow down, stagnate or completely go into overdrive. When life gets too overwhelming and you’ve experienced a couple of significant experiences one after the other, it can be difficult to process. This can cause an imbalance in the Manipura chakra.
To get to know your body and its different layers and learn about the chakras, check the following:
- Do you feel you can do anything you set your mind to?
- Do you digest your food easily? Or do you suffer from indigestion and an upset stomach?
- Is your energy stable and do you wake up in the morning eager to start the new day?
- Is there enough spice in your life? Things that make you feel excited and want to do things.
- Do you feel your life has too many toxic elements in it?
- Do you always feel tired?
- Do you get snappy easily?
- Do you feel like a victim of the world?
To come into balance, there are many things you can do on and off the mat to balance the third chakra. Yoga poses for solar plexus chakra include Dhanurasana (bow pose), Kapalabhati pranayama or breath of fire, High Lunge Twist with Anjali mudra (prayer pose), Parvritta Trikonasana (revolved triangle pose), Vajroli Mudra and Bhujangasana (cobra pose). You can also use the Hakini Mudra, a mudra specifically for the third chakra, by sitting in an easy cross-legged position and bringing your hands to the height of your solar plexus, palms facing each other. Another useful practice is to meditate on the fire inside of you, visualizing a transformational fire, all things no longer needed burning away to ashes.
The colour associated with this solar plexus chakra is yellow, so use it in your relaxation or meditation. A nice and powerful visualisation is making your centre radiate like the sun. You can also chant or recite mantras such as Humee Hum Brahm Hum from the Kundalini tradition, or vibrate the vedic bija mantra RAM. Finally, when your fire is strong, you dare to live your dreams and be out there in the world doing what you believe in, living in alignment with who you are.
1. "I am confident in all that I do."
2. "I respect and honor myself always."
3. "I am in control of my decisions and choices."
4. "My willpower is strong and vibrant."
5. "I am empowered to take action in my life."
6. "I am worthy of success, love, and happiness."
7. "My personal power shines brightly."
8. "I release doubt and welcome certainty."
9. "I am balanced in my personal and professional life."
10. "I am centered and calm in all situations."
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